Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Study on Malaysian population is into its second edition

Source: ISEAS website.
The second edition of The Population of Malaysia, by Saw Swee-Hock, formerly Professor of Statistics at the National University of Singapore and who served as Chairman of the National Statistical Commission of Singapore from 1971 to 1975, has been published.

The book presents an up-to-date analysis of the multiracial population of Malaysia, seen through the lens of the author's deep familiarity with the country where he was educated up to secondary level, taught for some time in the University of Malaya, and was even involved in the planning of population censuses. According to publishers the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies. the book will be useful to policy-makers and social scientists who wish to seek a greater understanding of the demographic issues facing the country.

The Introduction e-chapter is downloadable free here. The complete e-book costs US$35 while individual chapters cost US$5 each. The hardback (ISBN 978-981-4620-36-9) is US$38.90 and the paperback (ISBN 978-981-4620-24-6) is US$28.90.