Saturday 6 August 2016

Bank Negara Malaysia announces assistant governor portfolios

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia. Adnan.
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia.
Bank Negara Malaysia has announced more appointments to fill positions made vacant in recent months. Adnan Zaylani Mohamad Zahid is Assistant Governor effective 1 August 2016. As Assistant Governor, Adnan will be responsible for the Investment Operations and Financial Markets, Foreign Exchange Administration, Legal and Currency Management and Operations departments. He assumes the portfolio from Assistant Governor Norzila Abdul Aziz. He will also continue as the Director of Investment Operations and Financial Markets Department.

Adnan joined the Bank in 1994 and has 22 years of work experience in the areas of investment operations and financial markets. He holds a Master of Science in Global Market Economics and Bachelor of Science in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia. Norzila.
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia.
Effective 1 August 2016, Assistant Governor Norzila will be responsible for the Economics, Monetary Policy, International and Statistical Services departments.

In early July, the bank announced that Shaik Abdul Rasheed bin Abdul Ghaffour had been named Deputy Governor for a three-year term effective 16 July 2016.

As Deputy Governor, Abdul Rasheed will be responsible for the financial sector regulation and development including payment systems as well as the international reserve management and money market operations and foreign exchange administration.

Source: Bank Negara Malaysia. Abdul Rasheed.
Source: Bank Negara Malaysia.
Abdul Rasheed.
He was Assistant Governor responsible for the Monetary Policy and Economics sector, which consists of the Monetary Policy, Economics, International and Statistical Services departments of the Bank. Abdul Rasheed is a member of the Bank's Management Committee as well as several policy committees namely the Monetary Policy Committee, Reserve Management Committee and Risk Management Committee.

Abdul Rasheed has served at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC in the US as the Alternate Executive Director of the South East Asia Voting Group on the IMF Executive Board. He had a key role in the development and successful implementation of the Financial Sector Masterplan (2001 to 2010) and formulation of the Financial Sector Blueprint (2011 to 2020). He was also involved in the regional co-operation initiatives during Malaysia's Chairmanship of ASEAN including the endorsement of the Summary of Achievements of ASEAN Financial Integration and the development of the ASEAN Financial Integration Plan-Post 2015.

Abdul Rasheed joined the Bank in 1988 and holds a Bachelor Degree in Economics from University of Malaya.

With the appointment, Bank Negara Malaysia now has three Deputy Governors, as provided for by the Central Bank of Malaysia Act, 2009.

In April, Bank Negara Malaysia promoted former Deputy Governor Datuk Muhammad Ibrahim as the Governor of Bank Negara Malaysia for a term of five years, starting on 1 May 2016.