Wednesday 3 August 2016

GEM to spearhead strategy for new Global Entrepreneurship Community 2016

Global Entrepreneurship Movement (GEM) has been entrusted as developer, as well as content curator and content strategist for the Global Entrepreneurship Community (GECommunity) 2016, soft-launched in conjunction with the World Islamic Economic Forum (WIEF) in Jakarta, Indonesia today. GECommunity 2016 is hosted by the Finance Ministry, through the National Entrepreneurs Development Office (NEDO) and the Malaysian Global Innovation and Creativity Centre (MaGIC).

GECommunity, to be held November 2 and 3, acts as a platform to position Malaysia as the global connectivity and innovation hub by taking the role of a global ecosystem connector, aiming to have at least 40 ideas that will catalyse entrepreneurs globally based on industries and to have at least eight executable initiatives with cross-border collaborations. The aspirations behind GEC include new economics, industry transformation and collaboration between countries to support entrepreneurs through policies and initiatives.

GEM, as a non-governmental organisation mooted by YBhg. Tan Sri Dr Mohd Irwan Siregar Abdullah, Secretary General of Treasury, Ministry of Finance, will lead in content curation, community development and connectivity among GEC participants:

Content - GEM will cooperate closely with MaGIC as well as the Finance Ministry of Malaysia to curate contents for programmes and activities throughout the GECommunity 2016 event. GEM is now in the process of contacting and inviting prominent global entrepreneurs and innovators to attend the event and will also identify leaders and key players for GECommunity 2016 clusters. GECommunity will focus on 12 main business clusters: biotechnology, food and agriculture, retail and tourism, smart cities, alternative resources, education and finance, media and creative industries, healthcare, as well as transport and logistics.

Community - GEM is securing the attendance of 50 influencers from the global entrepreneur ecosystem at the event. Prior to the event, GEM will explore possible joint ventures with them to accelerate Malaysian entrepreneurs to a global level.

Connectivity: Entrepreneurs involved will be provided with the necessary assistance in other countries.