Tuesday 2 August 2016

JKMS gives update on interest in qurban 2016

The Singapore Mosques Korban Committee (JKMS) has updated that as of 1 August more than half of the 3,500 livestock to be imported have been reserved.

Five centres offering sheep from Australia will not be taking in any more orders, and Australian livestock offered at two more centres are expected to be snapped up soon. These seven are:  Assyakirin Mosque, Ar-Raudhah Mosque, Al-Mukminin Mosque, Al-Istighfar Mosque, Darul Makmur Mosque as well as Al-Iman Mosque and En-Naeem Mosque respectively.

All 13 centres offering Irish lamb also reported that half of the allocated livestock have been taken up. 

JKMS advises those who would like to do qurban this year to place their orders early, and to call the centres before going in person.


Contact JKMS at +65 6281 4287 with questions

Read the Suroor Asia blog post about JKMS plans for qurban 2016