Tuesday, 16 May 2017

Al Mukminin Mosque offers free salah workshop during Ramadhan

Source: Al Mukminin Mosque website. Poster for Basic Solat Workshop.
Source: Al Mukminin Mosque website.
Poster for Basic Solat Workshop.
Al-Mukminin Mosque is hosting a free workshop on salah for those who wish to gain a basic understanding of the rituals of salah, or who wish to revisit their understanding of it. It will be conducted in English by Ustaz Ruknuddin Zainor.

The four-hour interactive workshop will cover:

1. The importance of salah
2. Prerequisites of performing salah
3. The pillars of salah
4. Recitations in salah
5. Contemporary issues in salah (Q&A session)


Basic Solat Workshop
3 June 2017
9am to 1pm
Al Mukminin Mosque
271, Jurong East St 21, Singapore 609603