Monday, 15 May 2017

FFFA calls for donations to fund Ramadhan outreach

Source: FFFA Facebook page. Poster for the Ramadhan outreach.
Source: FFFA Facebook page. Poster for the Ramadhan outreach.
The Com-Passion initiative is part of Free Food for All's (FFFA's) continual efforts to reach out to the less fortunate, and offer them some respite from their daily financial burden. Using food, the organisation opens doors and breaks down barriers, encouraging community interaction and mutual understanding of other faiths and cultures. 

During Ramadhan FFFA aims to distribute up to 500 meals daily from Monday to Friday. While the food will be given primarily to Muslims to break their fast during the fasting month, FFFA will also reach out to the less fortunate from other races and religions so that they can experience the spirit of compassion, one of the main themes of Ramadhan.

Donate online or call 
+65 1900 112 3910 - S$10 donation
+65 1900 112 3950 - S$50 donation