Friday 27 June 2014

Twitter introduces Ramadhan hashflags

According to Twitter more than 74.2 million tweets were sent about Ramadhan around the world last year. In a blog post dated June 26 the company has introduced new #Ramadan and #Eid icons to celebrate the month this year. Using the hashtag (#) immediately in front of the words 'Ramadan' and 'Eid', in both Arabic and English, will automatically create these special icons, or hashflags, after the tags.

Twitter has also partnered with @AlArabiya to offer personalised iftar and imsak tweets. Iftar is the time each day when Muslims break the fast, and imsak the time that the fast begins. Twitter users can tweet @AlArabiya with #iftar followed by the name of their city with a hashtag immediately in front (e.g. #Dubai), and the @AlArabiya account will automatically send the time for #iftar or #imsak accordingly.

The same blog post has an interactive map showing where Ramadhan-related tweets occurred.

Source: Twitter blog. Click here to see the map in action.