Monday, 30 March 2015

Jerusalem affirmed as a tourist destination

The Council of the International Islamic Fiqh Academy (IIFA) of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) issued a resolution on visiting Al-Quds* confirming that the "shari’ah (legal) ruling is that this visit is mandoob (recommended) and desirable."

Resolution 216 (12/22) titled Visiting Al-Quds: Objectives and Shar’i Rulings was adopted by the 22nd session of the IFFA Council, held in Kuwait from 22 to 25 March 2015.

The Council explained that after balancing the pros and cons of visiting Al-Quds, it concluded that the evaluation of the interests is up to the rulers and politicians in Muslim countries. The IFFA Council highlighted the need to remind all Muslims that the issue of Al-Quds is that of the entire Ummah and that all Muslims  should support Al-Quds, the Maqdisites and the people of Palestine. It also noted that Al-Quds Ash-Sharif does not only belong the Palestinians alone, but to all Muslims.

In OIC Secretary General, Iyad Ameen Madani's speech at the opening of the IIFA Twenty-Second Session, he pointed out that visiting Al-Quds Ash-Sharif and the Al-Aqsa Mosque to know more about the city and to communicate with its people would confirm to the world that Muslims have a right to the place.

*Al Quds is the Arabic name for Jerusalem and Maqdisites are the people of Al Quds.