Saturday 10 January 2015

The principle of wasatiyyah has much to teach the world

Source: OUP.
An upcoming book by the Oxford University Press (OUP) will shed more like on the Quranic principle of wasatiyyah.

The Middle Path of Moderation in Islam, by Islamic law expert Mohammad Hashim Kamali, is estimated to be available in July 2015. The book discusses the roots and presence of moderation in Islamic tradition and proposes practical applications of wasatiyyah to 13 contemporary issues of global policy.

Kamali argues that scholars, religious communities, and policy circles should consider that this governing principle drives the silent majority of Muslims, rather than focusing on the extremist fringe. He quotes the Quran and hadith to show that wasatiyyah has a long and well-developed history in Islamic law and applies the concept to contemporary issues of global policy, such as justice, women's rights, environmental and financial balance, and globalisation.

The 320-page hardcover costs £22.99 and
 will also be available as an e-book.