Sunday, 11 September 2016

Eid recipes: Arsiya

Arsia up close.
Arsia up close. 
Arsiya عرسية

Also called “riz al mudhroub”, arsiya (3rsiya) is a paste of chicken and rice that is eaten with a fruity sauce. It tends to appear during Eid and at celebrations like weddings. The following recipe comes from Eat Omani by Omer Al Aamri.

Ingredients, rice paste
1 whole chicken
5 litres water
1 kg rice
½ teaspoon black pepper powder
½ teaspoon salt

Cut up the chicken into very small pieces.
Wash the rice 4 times, and soak for 30 minutes.
Boil the water and add the chicken, salt and black pepper.
Cook for half an hour.
Add rice and top up water to about 4 litres.
Cook for another half hour or until everything has softened.
Simmer 15 minutes.
Mash into a paste.

Ingredients for sauce, called tarsha:
½ kg chicken
1 litre water for the chicken; additional water for fruit preparation
1 cup raisins
½ small pack tamarind paste (also called subar)
1 tablespoon salt
1 dessertspoon sugar
4-5 dried dates
The following spices are optional:
½ teaspoon each of powdered cinnamon, powdered cardamom, and rosewater.

Mix the tamarind with enough water to remove the seeds easily.
Boil the dates with enough water to make a soft paste.
Wash the raisins.
Cut the chicken into relatively small pieces.
Simmer chicken, tamarind, dates and raisins for 20 minutes.
Add salt and sugar, and cook 10 minutes.
Add other spices if desired, and cook 10 minutes.
Add water until the sauce has the consistency of a watery gravy.

Arsiya is best eaten warm. It can be reheated in the microwave but should be consumed the day it is cooked.


Get the recipe for Omani coffee

Browse recipes on Suroor Asia for:

Harees (savoury)
Loqimat (sweet)
Omani shorba (savoury)
Shayariya (sweet) 
Threed (savoury)