Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Haj Committee of India sets deadline for advance Hajj payments

The Haj Committee of India has extended the deadline for remittance of the advance Hajj amount to 12 February, 2018. The amount of Rs81,000 must be paid by provisionally-selected pilgrims for Hajj 2018.

The unique bank reference number provided to each group travelling together (cover) must be mentioned on the remittance receipt. The pilgrims must also submit a copy of the pay-in slip, medical certificate in the prescribed format, their original passport, and a photograph to their State Haj Committee by the deadline.

The quota for India is 123,400 pilgrims based on a Muslim population of 172 million. Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal and Bihar have the most Muslims, numbering 38 million, 24 million and 17 million respectively.