Monday 5 November 2018

Third edition of Invitation to World Religions now available

Oxford University Press has published a new edition of Invitation to World Religions. 

The 3rd edition, by Jeffrey Brodd, Layne Little, Bradley Nystrom, Robert Platzner, Richard Shek, and Erin Stiles, has a lucid, accessible writing style and includes personal, candid interviews in a new Voices section where people share how they live their faiths today.

Source: OUP. Cover, 3rd edition of Invitation to World Religions.
Source: OUP. Cover, 3rd edition of
Invitation to World Religions.
New to this edition is a Global Snapshot feature in each chapter, which highlights each religion's diaspora. More coverage of religion and conflict offers clear and balanced explorations of the ways in which religion has sometimes been used to justify oppression and violence.

A consistent, modular chapter structure allows easy comparisons between religions while Visual Guides provide keys to important religious symbols in easy-to-read tables.

An ancillary programme includes an Instructor's Manual with Computerized Test Bank on the book's Ancillary Resource Center. There is a companion website with additional student resources.


Invitation to World Religions (ISBN: 9780190690816) costs US$87.95. The paperback, published July 2018, has 656 pages.
