The Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV), in consultation with the medical community, religious and community leaders as well as most of the Muslim funeral directors in Victoria, Australia, has come up with guidelines on handling and burying a person who has passed away due to COVID-19:
- All funerals (janazas) are to be carried with strict infection control procedures
- All staff involved in the funeral will follow personal protective equipment (PPE) guidelines
- The body of the deceased must not be removed from the sealed bag
- Ritual cleansing of the body will be performed with tayyamum (using clean sand) over the body bag, or masa (wiping over the body bag with a damp cloth). The ritual will be performed by the funeral director or other trained person. If the deceased is female, the procedure will be performed by a female member of the funeral service.
- The body should then be covered in cloth over the sealed bag in preparation for the funeral.
- The body is to be taken directly to the cemetery.
- Funeral prayers with the family are to be conducted at the grave site, but social distancing rules apply. The maximum number of attendees is currently 10, but is subject to change.
Read the guidelines for prevention and control of infection in healthcare
Read the guidelines for PPE
Read the guidelines for funerals