Saturday 7 February 2015

Book captures nuances of Malay culture and heritage in Singapore

Source: Hidayah Amin.
Malay Weddings Don’t Cost $50 and Other Facts about Malay Culture published by Helang Books and supported by a National Heritage Board Heritage Participation Grant, was launched in October 2014.

The book has helped to bring more awareness about Malay heritage to the world. The collection of 42 articles about Malay culture and heritage, lifestyle and personas, customs and practices is wide-ranging and includes issues such as circumcision, wearing of the hijab (tudung), supernatural beings, the determination of virginity, and a discussion of an infamous ‘S$50-Malay-wedding’ remark that triggered a heated debate on racism in Singapore in October 2012.

Author Hidayah Amin is the CEO of Archipelago 
Consultancy, a Singapore-based consultancy providing research, heritage, education and creativity-related services. She was educated at the University of Cambridge and was a Fulbright 
Scholar at Lehigh University in the US. She was also a recipient of the Alpha Delta Kappa Foundation’s 
International Teacher Education Scholarship as well as the Tan Kah Kee Postgraduate Scholarship 2006.
 She also holds the distinction of being the first Malay Girl Guide to receive the President’s Guide Award.

The book (ISBN: 978-981-09-1051-8) is available at all major bookstores in Singapore and Malaysia, and online here. Books purchased online are autographed by Hidayah, and cost S$34 including postal charges. Overseas purchasers can get it for 35 Euro, 28 UK pounds or US$45.