The UNESCO committee for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage meeting in Namibia has inscribed 20 new elements on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. The Representative List includes
forms of expression that testify to the diversity of the intangible
heritage and raise awareness of its importance. The review of
nominations for inscription on this list is finished for this year,
which saw 23 elements inscribed out of a total of 35 that were proposed.
The following elements were some of those inscribed on December 2:
Azerbaijan - Copper craftsmanship of Lahij
craftsmanship of Lahij is the traditional practice of making and using
copperware in the Lahij community of the Caucasus. The copper-smelting
master prepares the copper which the coppersmith-hammerer then moulds it
into thin plates. A craftsperson engraves the plates with designs that
represent their environment and reflect traditional knowledge and
values. People from Azerbaijan buy the copperware for daily use. The
practice is transmitted from father to son and said to be a clear marker
of Lahij identity.
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan - Aitysh/Aitys, art of improvisation
is a contest between two people on poetry improvisation spoken or sung
to music of traditional instruments like the Kazakh dombra. The audience
chooses the topics and the contestant who demonstrates the best musical
skills, rhythm, originality and wit wins. Aitysh/Aitys is a popular
cultural component and identity marker of bearer communities in
multiethnic societies of Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, featuring at local
festivities or nationwide events often to raise important social issues.
Transmission is from older to younger generations.
Saudi Arabia - Alardah Alnajdiyah, dance, drumming and poetry in Saudi Arabia
is a traditional cultural expression combining dance, drumming and
poetry chanting that is considered fundamental to practising
communities. It involves a poet chanting verses, which are then sung by
other performers carrying swords and moving in time to beating drums.
Featured at family, local and national events, it is performed by males
while women design the costumes. Neither age nor class acts as a barrier
to participation, assisting social cohesion. Practice transmitters are
individuals, schools, troupes, neighbourhoods and provinces.
Turkmenistan - Epic art of Gorogly
epic art of Gorogly is an oral performing tradition that describes the
achievements of legendary hero Gorogly and his 40 cavalrymen.
Practitioners are performers in Turkmenistan who specialise in the epic,
which incorporates narration, singing, poetry, vocal improvisation and
music. It gives bearer communities a strong sense of identity,
reflecting aspirations of the Turkmen people for a happy life and
promoting values such as bravery, honesty, friendship, and fairness.
Masters combine informal teaching with skills transmission during public
UAE, Oman - Al-Razfa, a traditional performing art
is a traditional performing art of the United Arab Emirates and
Sultanate of Oman that was initially used in victory celebrations. Now,
it is a popular form of communal entertainment seen at festive events,
involving groups of men holding wooden replica rifles chanting verses,
often featuring traditional Nabati poetry, to music. To appeal to a
younger audience, instruments and music have been adapted. Skills
transmission is informal within families.
UAE, Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar - Arabic coffee, a symbol of generosity
Arabic coffee is an important aspect of hospitality in Arab societies.
Traditionally prepared in front of house guests by men and women, it is
also served by sheikhs and heads of tribes. The beans are roasted,
ground with a mortar and pestle then brewed in a pot. The most important
or oldest guest is served first. The practice is passed on within
families and includes young people visiting the market with their elders
to learn how to select beans.
UAE; Saudi Arabia; Oman; Qatar - Majlis, a cultural and social space
(sitting places) are community spaces where people discuss local
issues, settle disputes, exchange news and be entertained, playing an
important role in the transmission of oral heritage. The areas are
usually large, comfortable and equipped with beverage-making facilities.
Elders with extensive local knowledge are the main practice bearers,
while judges and religious sheikhs adjudicate on disputes. Women have
their own Majlis, although prominent figures may attend others more
academic. Practice transmission occurs when children attend with older
community members.
Get the recipe for Omani coffee