The KSA Ministry of Haj and Umrah has
Singapore’s official Hajj quota* from 680 to
800 places, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) has reported.
Since 2012, the KSA authorities had reduced quotas for domestic
and foreign pilgrims due to the major development and upgrading projects taking place in
the vicinity of the Holy Mosque in
Makkah, in particular the expansion of the Mataf
(circumambulation) area. However, Singapore was not affected by the quota reduction.
Muis will contact eligible Hajj
on the waiting list regarding
the additional vacancies.
Media reports from early this year have noted that various country quotas have been reinstated.
Read about Muis' Hajj registration system
*Each country is allowed a specific number of Hajj pilgrims every year. The number is based on the formula decided by the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC) in 1987, or 0.1% of the Muslim population
in that country.