Saturday 29 December 2018

Minister Masagos shares hopes for Singapore asatizah

Singapore Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs Masagos Zulkifli hopes that asatizah-to-be continue motivating themselves and will be transformational in their dakwah journey. Dakwah refers to raising the awareness of Islam.

In a post on his Facebook page, he reported meeting Singaporean students studying in the Islamic University of Madinah and King Saud University in KSA, and noted that many were concerned about their career options when they returned to Singapore.

"Our asatizah bear the responsibility of guiding the Malay/Muslim community in a multi-religious and multiracial Singapore. Beyond teaching the values of being a good Muslim, such as being kind to your neighbours and even the environment, our religious leaders should also strive to produce knowledge, and not simply reproduce it," he said.

Minister Masagos was in KSA for the annual Haj Ministerial Meeting.