Monday, 18 February 2019

Wisma Geylang Serai, M³@WGS open officially

Wisma Geylang Serai (WGS), which hosts M³@WGS, has officially opened, a day after M³. M³ is the name for a joint centre started by three organisations whose names all begin with 'M', working in synergy: the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), MENDAKI Singapore and the People's Association Malay Activity Executive Committees Council (MESRA)

On January 25, MUIS on Facebook said all three organisations are striving to better serve the needs of the Muslim community in the heartlands. "Members of the community can find information on Muis’ services such as Hajj, halal and Islamic learning, as well as mosques. In addition to information, services at M³@WGS also include religious queries, referrals for zakat assistance, as well as cashless transactions for zakat payment and donations (such as Wakaf Ilmu, Dana Madrasah and the Rahmatan lil Alamin Foundation)," MUIS stated.

"Beyond religious services, the community will also have access to a number of services by MENDAKI."

Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong said at the opening ceremony for WGS on January 26: "WGS brings together the M³ agencies MUIS, MENDAKI and MESRA, eight Malay-Muslim organisations, as well as various VWOs and cultural groups to provide more integrated services for the Malay-Muslim community. The M³ agencies have set up a joint office called M³@WGS which was officially opened by Minister Masagos yesterday, to strengthen last-mile service delivery in our neighbourhoods. KURNIA@WGS is here, in partnership with MMOs such as the Association of Muslim Professionals (AMP) and the Singapore Islamic Scholars and Religious Teachers Association (PERGAS), which will be a one-stop service centre to support families and individuals through scholarships, bursaries, financial aid and skills training programmes. There is also a child care centre, an elderly activity centre and a family service centre, and a media school for the community to pick up new skills like vlogging."

Singapore's Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs is Masagos Zulkifli. On Facebook, Minister Masagos noted at the time of the launch: "With its key location, members of our community will know where to go to if they need help. I am confident that M³@WGS will achieve its goals of delivering more coordinated and integrated support to the community."

Most recently, Minister Masagos invited organisations such as Club HEAL to partner with M³. After a visit to the club, which provides support to people with mental health issues and their caregivers, he said, "I encouraged them to get more young people on board and identify areas where they can co-create solutions with the government and community agencies...Together, we can achieve much more."

MMOs stand for Malay/Muslim organisations, while VWOs are voluntary welfare organisations.

Hashtags: #ProgressingWithM³, #MajuBersamaM³, #WismaGeylangSerai