Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Singapore's Mufti and Muis wish all Muslims Ramadhan mubarak

The Chief Executive, Mufti, Council Members and staff of Muis, the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore, wish all Muslims "Ramadhan mubarak (رمضان مبارك)".

On a Facebook post the organisation said Ramadhan is an ideal time to strengthen familial bonds with Ramadhan activities such as suhoor, iftar and terawih - the prayer that indicates intention to fast the next day during Ramadhan.

The post goes on to say that faith is also "about building better relations with others in the community". "Being empathetic to the wellbeing of others, being considerate, and showing care and concern are part and parcel of being a good Muslim", Muis stated, and called for Muslims to show rahmah (رَحمة) to all regardless of ethnicity or faith, and extend a helping hand especially to those in need.

In 2018, Muis launched the Touch of Ramadan campaign in Singapore, with Striving with Confidence, Serving with Compassion:Rahmah Begins with Me (Semarak Langkah, Berjiwa Rahmah: Rahmah Bermula Daripada Saya) as its theme. The tagline Rahmah Bermula Daripada Saya signifies the call to action for every Muslim individual to espouse the spirit of rahmah, which translates to blessings and mercy.

June 6 was the first day of Ramadhan in Singapore.