Monday, 18 May 2020

Muis issues guidance on e-zakat

Muis has been busy looking after the wider Muslim community during Ramadhan against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its activities involve advising Muslims on what they can do during the pandemic as well as providing fatwas and FAQs on COVID-19-related matters.

For example, Muis has issued a FAQ on COVID-19 testing advises that blood serology tests do not invalidate the fast.

Muis also reached out to migrant workers in Singapore, providing 300 workers with prayers and care packs for Ramadhan. Working with the Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach and Masjid Maarof, Muis has been distributing 3,500 donated prayer mats to Muslim migrant workers living in dormitories across Singapore, since 7 May.

Muis and mosques are further partnering Free Food For All and The Food Bank Singapore to provide iftar meals to 1,200 Muslim migrant workers staying in various dormitories. The meals will be provided during the last 10 days of Ramadhan, and a gesture to appreciate Muslim migrant workers who have actively volunteered at mosque activities throughout the year and in Ramadhan.

Muis has also suggested helping seniors fulfil zakat obligations through online and digital methods, such as eNETS online payment, PayNow and DBS/POSB iBanking. "In fact, since the start of Ramadhan this year, we have seen a sharp increase in the number of people paying their zakat via e-payment," Muis Chief Executive Esa Masood said on the Muis Facebook page.

"I urge all of us to make use of the convenient digital modes of payment available. Do help your parents with they online process if they find it difficult."

The zakat contributions go in part to support the vulnerable in the Singapore community over Ramadhan.

Muis announced on May 13 that it will disburse $2.01 million to over 6,900 Muslim households on Muis' monthly zakat financial assistance, families referred by Family Service Centres, recipients of Comcare Long Term Assistance and residents of welfare homes. This year, Muis will also deliver food for iftar, as well as Eid hampers, to seniors in welfare homes.

In 2020, Muis said it will disburse more zakat assistance, to help more families and individuals who are in need.


Check out how to pay zakat