Friday, 26 June 2020

Book mosque prayer sessions online: Singapore

The Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis) has developed an online prayer booking system to manage the demand and ensure orderly conduct of the congregational prayers now that a maximum of 50 congregants may pray together at the same time.

The system allows for reservation of available prayer spaces for daily and Friday congregational prayers. To enable more worshippers to perform their Friday prayers, the system will limit the number of bookings an individual can make for Friday prayers to only one reservation within a three-week window.

For individuals who are unable to obtain a slot for the Friday prayers, the Fatwa Committee has advised that it is sufficient and permissible to perform the regular noon (dhuhr) prayer in place of the Friday prayer. This concession also applies to those who are vulnerable and at risk of infection, such as seniors aged 60 years and above and those with pre-existing chronic conditions. These vulnerable groups, as well as children below the age of 12, are strongly discouraged from attending Friday prayers for the time being. They may instead perform the dhuhr prayer at home on Fridays.

Source: Muis Facebook page. Infographic on safety measures to follow before turning up at a mosque to pray.
Source: Muis Facebook page. Infographic on safety measures to follow before turning up at a mosque to pray.

As of 25 June, slots for Friday prayers for 26 June and 3 July had been fully taken up, with a handful of slots still available for 10 July.

Live Friday khutbahs are available online.


Submit the prayer booking form

Read the Suroor Asia blog post on how Singapore is managing congregational prayer during COVID-19

Read the blog post on the fatwas behind the guidelines