Tuesday 23 June 2015

Qatar Executive offers private jet travel for umrah over Ramadhan

For Qatar Executive, Qatar Airways’ private jet division, Ramadhan is one of its busiest seasons as religious travellers plan their trips to Ta’if, Jeddah or Medinah to perform umrah. 

Qatar Airways Group Chief Executive His Excellency Akbar Al Baker, who also heads up the airline’s business jet division, said: “Traditionally, the Holy month of Ramadhan is a busy season for religious travel, and we are pleased to provide our passengers heading to Saudi Arabia for umrah unparalleled service and a convenient option to perform their spiritual journey during this special time of the year.”

Qatar Executive offers private jet travellers a personalised service that includes the convenience of booking an aircraft in as little as four hours prior to departure, access to premium lounges and check in only 10 minutes prior to take off.

Other privileges of chartering a Qatar Executive private jet include the convenience to choose preferred flight times, allowing passengers to travel early in the morning and return home in the evening. This flexibility allows travellers to avoid overnight stays, and make their journey as effortlessly as possible.

Doha skyline at sunset.
Doha skyline at sunset.
Qatar Executive Global 5000 interior.
Qatar Executive Global 5000 interior.
Qatar Executive’s Challenger 605s with a single cabin configuration can accommodate up to 11 passengers, and the more spacious Global 5000s or the luxurious Global XRS with a two cabin configuration have a capacity for up to 13 passengers.