Saturday 5 November 2016

Singapore Muslim teens camp aims to impart leadership skills during December school holidays

Source: Islamicevents.SG Facebook page. Muslim Teens Leadership Camp banner.
Source: Islamicevents.SG Facebook page.

Islamicevents SG is organising a 3D2N leadership camp for Muslim teens with accommodation at Jamiyah Ar-Rabitah Mosque, Singapore. The Muslim Teens Leadership Camp (MTLC) is designed specially for parents who want their children to develop holistic leadership skills, leave their comfort zones and realise their full potential.

The camp is ideal for teens aged 10 to 16 and focus on developing personal skills that contribute to good leadership, including self-motivation, self-confidence, goal-setting, vision-setting, team-building and decision-making, the company said.

Highlights include the High Elements Course, which includes zip lines, trapezes, wobbly logs and a "Tarzan"-style swing, and Khalifah Essentials during which the adhan (أَذَان‎‎, the call to prayer) and iqamah (إقامة‎‎, a second call to prayer made just before the prayer begins) will be taught. Participants will also learn the different types of sunnah (سنة, way of life of the Prophet Muhammad) prayers such as the duha (الضُّحَى, the time post-sunrise and pre-noon) and qiyyam al-layl (قـيـام الـلـيـل, actions of worship at night) prayers, and have the opportunity to lead their peers in prayer.

The main camp facilitators are Uli Fadhli, MTLC Camp Director; Ustaz Muhammad Hafiizh Rapiee, freelance counselor, Rozi Faith Naser, MTLC Trainer, and Zulfadli Kamsani, MTLC Facilitator, plus camp facilitators to supervise participants.

Uli has been an instructor in the army and also involved in sports events, including silat. Ustaz Muhammad is currently pursuing post-graduate studies in Usuluddin. He has a Bachelor's degree in hadith and Islamic knowledge from the Islamic University of Madinah in KSA and a Diploma in Counselling Psychology from Lee Community College, Singapore. Rozi is an Associate Lecturer with Republic Polytechnic and has a post-graduate advanced diploma in information, communications & technology from the University of Cambridge, a post-graduate diploma in mathematics and geography from NTU and a Bachelor of Arts & Social Sciences from NUS.


The Muslim Teens Leadership Camp will be held in English from 8am on 2 December to 1pm on 4 December. It costs S$247 till 25 November, and S$300 per participant thereafter. Meals will be provided. Register

View the video for the camp held in June 2016