Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Malaysia, Indonesia universities win IsDB Prizes for Science and Technology

The 15th IsDB Prizes for Science and Technology have been announced, and two of the winners are from Southeast Asia: 

• Universitas Indonesia has been awarded a prize for its overall outstanding contribution to social and economic development

• Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering, Universiti, Teknologi, Malaysia, which has won for most outstanding contribution in a given scientific field

Established in 1849, it is among the oldest tertiary institutions in Indonesia and among the top universities of the world. Over the years, its scholarly work has had significant scientific technological, socioeconomic, and environmental impact in Indonesia. In the last five years the university has contributed to the development of human resources in Indonesia as well as the region by awarding a large number of graduates and post graduates degrees. It has also published in the same period huge number of impactful books and scientific articles. The university has registered a large number of patents and inventions, of which many have been either commercialised or industrialised. The university helped increase the value of local resources through its research by developing techniques for manufacturing of palm oil derivatives and fuel additives which has benefited Indonesian companies.

The Faculty of Chemical and Energy Engineering of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (FCEE) is a recognised center for research and development and education in the areas of biotechnology and natural products, membrane technology, process systems, hydrogen economy and energy in general. The staff of FCEE produce over 400 scientific articles in one year alone. Pioneering work at the FCEE has led to the development of advanced membranes that can be used for gas separation in the oil and gas industry, water and waste water treatments as well as sea water desalination. FCEE has 78 patents, with 32 products commercialised. In the last five years, FCEE has awarded 132 PhD degrees and 808 MSc degrees.

“I would like to congratulate the winners of this year’s competition,” said Dr Bandar Hajjar, President of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB). “IsDB is proud of their inspiring feats in the field of scientific and technological research. I hope other universities and scientific centres in member countries benefit from these admirable examples.”

The prize was established in 2002 to promote science and technology excellence and capacity building in IsDB member countries. Each year, three institutions are selected by an independent panel of eminent scientists external to the IsDB to receive the prize in one of three categories. Each prize consists of a cash award of US$100,000 and a trophy.

This year’s prizes will be awarded during the 42nd Annual Meeting of IsDB’s Board of Governors, which will take place in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 17 to 18 May 2017.