Tuesday, 28 April 2015

ISFB shares internationally comparable indicators for soundness of Islamic banking systems

The Islamic Financial Services Board (IFSB) has developed indicators on the financial soundness and growth of Islamic banking systems in 15 member countries*. 

The indicators, called Prudential and Structural Islamic Financial Indicators (PSIFIs), are the first set of internationally comparable measures of the soundness of Islamic banking systems. The indicators are part of an international effort involving the IFSB and other organisations to construct a comprehensive picture of activity in the Islamic financial services industry. Due to rapid growth and significance of Islamic finance in many jurisdictions, such information is increasingly needed to understand the structure, soundness, and growth of the Islamic finance component within the entire financial systems.

The PSIFIs, to be updated quarterly, capture information on the size, growth and structural features of Islamic banking systems and on their macroprudential condition by looking at measures of their capital, earnings, liquidity, and exposures to various types of risks. They also cover the indicators on capital adequacy and liquidity based on newly issued IFSB Standards to complement international regulatory reforms under the Basel III regime.
PSIFIs cover aggregated data of Islamic banking institutions at the country level, compiled by the regulatory and supervisory authorities (RSAs) of the participating countries. The data are separately provided on standalone Islamic banks and Islamic windows of conventional banks in jurisdictions where available.
Many of the PSIFIs are parallel to the widely used IMF Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) on the strength or vulnerabilities of financial systems, but are customised for Islamic banking. As such, they will serve to highlight the role of Islamic banking within national economies and permit comparisons between the conventional and Islamic banking systems.

The PSIFI Database currently represents PSIFI data as of December 2013. Data are provided for various types of “prudential indicators” (PIFI) covering capital adequacy, leverage, nonperforming financing, earnings, liquidity, and foreign currency exposure as well as “structural indicators” (SIFI) focusing on items such as number of branches, employees, and size of total assets, funding and financing portfolios. The database also includes metadata which provides information on the design and specifications of data elements.

The current phase of the project is being undertaken with technical assistance from the Asian Development Bank.

Want to explore?

The PSIFI Database is available on the PSIFI portal.
Read the IFSB PSIFI Brief.

*Afghanistan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Brunei, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Turkey.